Friday, August 15, 2014

The Testing Trilogy by Joelle Charbonneau

Author: Joelle Charbonneau

Publication: 2013-2014 HMH Books for Young Readers

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

My review for this book can be found here

My review for this book can be found here

My review for this book can be found here.


I was amazed at how fast this series was written. I mean, you have to assume that Joelle completely outlined out all three books before she started writing because of the balanced of writing time and detail. 

These books were an excellent example for what a dystopian book should be; detailed, deep, and well though out. 

The setting of these books were set up so well, that you believed that this happened/could happen. 

Future News

This is the end to the trilogy and so far there is no news on whether or not the author will be continuing with the story.

An Interview with the Author
  • Did you plan out the series extensively before writing it? 
I wish!  I never know where a story is going before I start.  I only know who the main character is, what they are hoping to have happen and what the first big event is that will occur in the plot.  After that, I tend to improve my way through the story.  It's a scary way to write--and especially to write a trilogy where I knew the themes of each book, but not the plot-- but I find that I never lack for motivation to sit down and work each day because I am dying to find out what happens next. 
  • What was you inspiration or original idea for the story?

I teach private voice lessons and a large number of my students are singers who are interested in pursuing musical theater or voice in college.  The college admittance process is incredibly stressful for any major, but even more so for theater and music major who have to audition for the program in addition to applying to the school.  The stress of taking the college admittance tests and going through the auditions gets more intense every year and I suddenly found myself wonderful what kind of process could be created that would be even worse for college bound students.  And The Testing was born.
  • If you were put in Cia's position, do you think you could survive The Testing?

I doubt it, but I think I would give it a really good shot.  I might be able to make it through the first three rounds.  The fourth round would be a crap shoot and depend on how the other candidates around me approached that final tests.  I tend to look for the best in people.  That could totally get me in trouble if I had to go through The Testing.
  • What was your favorite part to write?
THE END of each book:)  Actually, that isn't a lie.  I loved writing various characters, but really, for each book I adored writing the end because I was uncertain until the final moments as to what was going to happen and I was so excited to find out what turn the story was going to take.
  • If you went to the University, what class would you be in?

Hmmm…I think I would probably end up in Education or Government.  Trust me when I say that no one wants me in biological or mechanical engineering since I tend to break things and my thumb isn't exactly green.
  • Would you add anything to the books if you could? A specific scene? A character?
I always feel like I should say yes to this kind of question since there are always parts of the story that are never seen.  And yet, I don't think I will ever wake up one day sad that something is missing because the story is no longer mine to tell.  The story now belongs to the readers.
  • Do you have a favorite book/series/author?

I have LOTS of them.  However, if you really pressed me to narrow it down I will say that my favorite series is The Belgariad series by David Eddings and the follow-up series the Mallorean.  If you want me to name the author that I grew up admiring and I still admire to this day I would have to say it's a tie between Stephen King and Lois Lowry.
  • Do you plan on continuing Cia's journey in the future?
I can't say that I have plans to continue Cia's journey.  However, if I think of an idea for a new conflict in Cia's life, I would love an excuse to revisit the world of The United Commonwealth.
  • Bonus Question: What Hogwarts house do you think Cia would be sorted into?
Cia would be Gryffindor all the way.  Loyalty is her finest trait and her biggest downfall. 

Thank you so much Joelle, and I cannot wait to see what you have for your fans in the future!


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